10 Ingredients to Spice Up Your Ramen - Outward Bound Blog (2024)

Looking to add some flavor to your next bowl of ramen? We got you covered.

Whether you love car camping and filling your days with hikes around your site, having a cookout at a local park or adventuring deep in the backcountry, nothing caps off a long day in the outdoors quite like a nice dinner—and what’s better than a big warm bowl of ramen? Below are 10 ingredients to take your packaged ramen meal to the next level.

10 Ingredients to Spice Up Your Ramen - Outward Bound Blog (1)


Sometimes it’s the smallest things that can impact a food dish the most! Garlic and ginger are two aromatics that can help liven up the flavor of your broth.

Not only do ginger and garlic bring a great punch of flavor, but they’re also an easy addition to your meal. After you fully remove the peel of your garlic cloves, simply drop them into the hot broth to disseminate their flavor. If you have the cutlery to do so, increase the flavor by dicing or mincing your garlic before adding it to the broth. Likewise, a root of ginger can be sliced and added with the skin left on but can be peeled, diced or minced for increased flavor.


For those looking to add a different kind of kick in the form of heat, Sriracha is your option! Originating in Thailand, Sriracha has become a favorite hot sauce brand worldwide thanks to its versatile use across varying meals. The simple combination of red chili and garlic is a sure-fire way to have a more noticeable flavor.

Peanut Butter

With a rich history in Asian Pacific noodle dishes, peanut butter, with its texture and nutty flavor, provide ramen with an increase in substance and creaminess to its flavor.

You can melt down your peanut butter into the broth before adding noodles or add it once you’ve combined your broth and noodles. Heat is key to helping melt the peanut butter down, expanding over the noodles and into the broth.

For an added twist, throw in some of your Sriracha!

10 Ingredients to Spice Up Your Ramen - Outward Bound Blog (2)

Dried Seaweed

Whether you want to eat it as a snack on the side with your ramen or soften it up in the broth, seaweed can bring a flavor of saltiness and additional vitamins after your daily activities.


An easily portable seasoning traditionally used on rice and fish. While the seasoning generally incorporates salt, fish flakes and seaweed, it can consist of other ingredients that determine its spice level and flavor. Harder to find at your grocery chains, many brands of furikake seasoning can be found online or at a local Asian market.


A traditional Korean side, kimchi consists of pickled vegetables and a variety of spices. While kimchi is most commonly thought of as being made with cabbage, it’s also made using a variety of vegetables and can vary in spice level. Used in many Korean soups and stews, kimchi pairs perfectly with your ramen and can add a satisfying and zesty crunch to your evening meal. With some practice, anyone can create kimchi at home, but it can also be found in many grocery stores or local Korean markets.

Miso Paste

If you have trouble enjoying the taste of instant ramen brand’s seasoning packets, this might be the tip for you. If you’re familiar with miso soup, you might already have an idea of the kind of flavor that miso paste can bring to your ramen. Ditch the packaged seasoning and add a couple of tablespoons of miso paste to your boiling water. Using miso paste can help provide a broth that still maintains a savory flavor that isn’t so extreme. Additionally, using miso paste works best for car camping when you have a cooler available due to it requiring refrigeration after opening.

10 Ingredients to Spice Up Your Ramen - Outward Bound Blog (3)

Soy Sauce

Did you know soy sauce doesn’t have to be refrigerated? So, if you’re a backpacker who can’t bring miso paste, soy sauce might be the answer for you! As another alternative or add-on to instant ramen’s pre-packaged seasoning options, soy sauce can help you navigate the saltiness and flavors of the packets. Experiment with your ratios of flavor packet to soy sauce to find the optimal flavor that works for you.


A common ramen bowl staple is a soft-boiled egg. For backcountry trips, where carrying eggs is not an option, try whipping up a small portion of powdered eggs with equal parts water and then slowly whisking your egg mix into your boiling broth, producing an egg drop style broth. If you’re car camping or have a means of keeping ingredients cool, pack a few extra eggs and try your hand at boiling a soft-boiled egg for your ramen dish.

American Cheese

Finally, the last on this list of ramen hacks, slices of American cheese. That’s right! The supermarket delicacy you might fondly remember from your childhood grilled cheese sandwiches can also make your ramen a little more interesting. Simply add a single slice of cheese to the top of your ramen bowl and mix. The cheese should meltdown and add a nice creaminess to your broth with a unique cheesy flavor and a boost of calories for the next day’s activities.

If this list is nothing new to you, don’t let it limit your ramen experimentation. One of the most beautiful things about ramen is its variability. Go to a local Japanese or international market and ask for their tips or suggestions. Whatever direction your interests take you, finding new ways to embolden your camping meals is a proven way to make your time outside more memorable.

For more delicious outdoor cooking recipes check out these blogs.

About the Author

Willie is an Instructor for the North Carolina Outward Bound School in the Cedar Rock and Pisgah National Forest recreation area. Willie has a bachelor’s degree in Outdoor Recreation & Education from Ohio University as well as a master’s degree in Anthropology from the University of Bristol, England. Outside of leading courses for Outward Bound, Willie loves filling his time watching films, paddling the local rivers and telling people fun facts about Ohio.

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10 Ingredients to Spice Up Your Ramen - Outward Bound Blog (2024)


10 Ingredients to Spice Up Your Ramen - Outward Bound Blog? ›

Spices like white pepper, sichuan pepper, or chile flakes to the finished dish, or try adding a cinnamon stick, star anise, and coriander seeds to the simmering broth (remove 'em before serving!) Fats like toasted sesame oil, chile oil, or an animal fat (pork, chicken, or duck are all awesome)

What spices should I put in my ramen? ›

Spices like white pepper, sichuan pepper, or chile flakes to the finished dish, or try adding a cinnamon stick, star anise, and coriander seeds to the simmering broth (remove 'em before serving!) Fats like toasted sesame oil, chile oil, or an animal fat (pork, chicken, or duck are all awesome)

What ingredients to upgrade ramen? ›

What Can I Add to Instant Ramen To Make It Better?
  • Switch up Your Broth. The first thing is to change up your broth. ...
  • Add an Egg. ...
  • Toss in Some Veggies. ...
  • Stir in Togarashi Chili Pepper or Chili Oil. ...
  • Add a Splash of Soy Sauce. ...
  • Add Some Peanut Butter. ...
  • Peruse Your Spice Cabinet. ...
  • Butter and Brown Sugar.

What is the most important ingredient in ramen? ›

The most important thing to know about making ramen noodles is that they are alkali noodles, not egg noodles. So, really the most important ingredient to have on hand is sodium carbonate (Na2CO3).

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You just cook your ramen like normally, then just beat up an egg, add it to your noodles with some garlic powder, the seasoning packet that came with your noodles, and a stick of butter. Give it a little stir for a minute. Little confession. I have actually never had an egg in my noodles before.

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Just a hint of grated garlic can add another layer of flavor. Other common toppings include boiled spinach, bean sprouts, menma (seasoned bamboo shoots), wakame (dried seaweed), thinly sliced Japanese leeks, naruto fish cake, and a dash of ground white pepper.

What veggies go in ramen? ›

You can honestly just add whatever vegetables you like, but we went with a handful of baby spinach, shiitake mushrooms, corn, green onion, and some extra little garnishes like Togarashi, red chili flakes, and some fried garlic. Then we added a soft-boiled ramen egg (more on that below).

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The 5 Components of Ramen
  • 1.1 Soup.
  • 1.2 Tare (sauce)
  • 1.3 Noodles.
  • 1.4 Oils and fats.
  • 1.5 Toppings.
  • 1.6 Skill (Bonus)
Aug 17, 2022

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The possibilities are endless, but some common additions include chashu pork (succulent pieces of braised pork belly), soft-boiled eggs (cooked in the pork's braising liquid), assorted vegetables and extra pork fat for good measure.

How do you enrich instant ramen? ›

Simple Add-ins. Quickly upgrade the flavor of any bowl of ramen by stirring in miso paste, chili bean sauce, Thai curry paste, Japanese curry powder, fish sauce, or vinegar. If it's a salty condiment, omit about half of the seasoning packet.

What is the secret of ramen? ›

Noodle's Secret ~ Kansui lye water. Japanese lye water called kansui is an indispensable auxiliary ingredient for ramen noodles, and it is no exaggeration to say that it produces the exquisite balance between ramen noodles unique koshi firmness and soup flavour.

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There are four general classes of ramen: shoyu, tonkotsu, miso, and shio.

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Instead, whisk together sesame oil, peanut butter, honey, soy sauce, rice vinegar, garlic, and ginger and pour it over the hot noodles. Add chopped scallions and sesame seeds for even more flavor. Get the full recipe here.

How to make ramen hack? ›

Put your ramen in organic water. In a bowl, combine ramen seasonings, 8 Kewpie Mayo, peanut butter, garlic, spring onion, sesame oil and mix to combine. Pour the hot organic ramen water, add the noodles and give it a final mix. Garnishes, spring onion, chili oil and sesame seeds.

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How to Make Shaq's Instant Smack Ramen Chicken Alfredo. Start by whisking together both milks, butter, hot sauce, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and two packs of ramen seasoning in a large pot over medium-high heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, while stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula.

How do you make ramen taste better with seasoning? ›

Try beefing up the flavor of instant ramen with a sprinkle of furikake, a common Japanese seasoning that contains seaweed, sesame seeds, and fish flakes. You can also try adding togarashi, a spicy seasoning that is made of mostly dried pepper flakes with a dash of dried seaweed and sesame seeds.

What gives ramen its flavor? ›

Each ramen chef uses a different “tare,” or flavoring base, that they add to each bowl of broth before serving. Noodles: Ramen noodles contain wheat flour, salt, water and a special alkaline water called “kansui.” “Kansui” is what gives the noodles their unique flavor and springy texture.

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All in all, this is a quick and easy way to dress up your instant ramen, and it tastes better than what you'd get from the seasoning packet. Plus, I'm always looking for more excuses to use my everything bagel seasoning.

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