Basics — 日常Nichijou Ramen (2024)

The Soul of the Bowl

The broth is the foundation of any good ramen bowl. It bestows the literal and figurative heart warming quality to a good bowl of ramen. With a hearty sip from a good broth, your body will let out a sight happiness, "Ahhh~". The soup starts with base ingredients that are often composed of chicken, pork, seafood, and/or vegetables. The key to a good broth is to extract flavor and body from ingredients.

Flavor tends to be extracted from meat and vegetables, while the body or mouthfeel of the soup comes from connective tissue, fat, and bones.

All in the Details

Like the people who drink it, Ramen broth has different personalities and colors. There are chintan (清湯) or "clear soups", which are extract from ingredients at a low temperature and are commonly found in shio and shoyu ramen. On the other end of the spectrum there are paitan (白湯) or "white soup" broths such as tonkotsu ramen or tori paitan. To achieve their thick and cloudy characteristics, ingredents must be heated at higher temperatures to create emulsions between the higher collagen and fat content.

Basics — 日常Nichijou Ramen (2024)


What are the 5 essentials of ramen? ›

Ramen is a Japanese noodle soup dish with Chinese-style alkaline noodles. It is the harmony of five key elements of ramen: broth, tare (sauce), noodles, toppings, and oil.

What are the 5 pillars of ramen? ›

Usually varieties of ramen are differentiated by the type of broth and tare used. There are five components to a bowl of ramen: tare, aroma oil, broth, noodles and toppings.

What are the 4 parts of ramen? ›

Anyway, a bowl of ramen has four main components, the noodles, broth, tare and toppings.

What is the most basic ramen? ›

Soy Sauce Ramen Features

This ramen combines a chicken broth mainly made of chicken stock with soy sauce. It is the most basic ramen and is sometimes referred to as "Chinese soba.

What is the most important ingredient in ramen? ›

The most important thing to know about making ramen noodles is that they are alkali noodles, not egg noodles. So, really the most important ingredient to have on hand is sodium carbonate (Na2CO3).

What is the secret of ramen? ›

Noodle's Secret ~ Kansui lye water. Japanese lye water called kansui is an indispensable auxiliary ingredient for ramen noodles, and it is no exaggeration to say that it produces the exquisite balance between ramen noodles unique koshi firmness and soup flavour.

What does Tori stand for in ramen? ›

Not only "tori" means. chicken (which is our signature broth), it comes from.

What is the Uzumaki thing in ramen? ›

Narutomaki, a type of cured fish cake, is a popular ramen topping with a distinctive pink swirl.

What's the difference between ramen and noodles? ›

Ramen is usually thicker in texture as compared to regular noodles. They are not as thick as other varieties, but they have a somewhat medium thickness and a chewy texture. Whereas noodles come in a variety of forms and are known for having a thinner consistency with a smoother texture.

What is a ramen broth called? ›

Ramen is typically classified by broth flavor, with three especially common categories: shoyu (soy sauce), shio (salt), and miso. A fourth, tonkotsu, references the broth's base ingredient, not flavor.

What is the water in ramen called? ›

Noodles: Ramen noodles contain wheat flour, salt, water and a special alkaline water called “kansui.” “Kansui” is what gives the noodles their unique flavor and springy texture.

What are the white slices in ramen? ›

You might have noticed that ramen often comes with little pink and white pinwheels on top. These are naruto, one of the most popular types of kamaboko for a ramen topping. Kamaboko is a steamed fish cake made from surimi paste, which is a mix of different fishes, starches, egg white and seasonings.

What is the rarest type of ramen? ›

I tried Japan's rarest ramen flavor. It's called the Ice Ramen, and its ingredients are so insane. that only brave people are able to eat it, because you can only get it at the Ice Ramen restaurant, which is completely made of ice.

What is the hardest ramen to make? ›

While there are many good, humble bowls of shio out there, many ramen chefs see this as the most difficult type of ramen to make, since they can't rely on incredibly flavorful miso and soy sauce to provide the dimension their broth might otherwise lack.

Is Maruchan or Top Ramen better? ›

Between Top Ramen and Maruchan, their products are reaaaaaally close in terms of what they offer, but IMO, you'll get less salty broth with better flavor from Top Ramen with a noodle that packs a slightly more satisfying chew.

What are the elements of a bowl of ramen? ›

But at its most basic, a bowl of ramen has four parts, according to Tadashi Ono and Harris Salat, authors of "Japanese Soul Cooking": soup, seasoning (or tare), noodles and toppings. Call it broth or soup, the brewed-for-hours liquid is how ramen warms your insides, maybe even your soul.

What are the four most popular types of ramen? ›

Ramen Types - The Big 4
  • Tangy Shoyu.
  • Bright Shio.
  • Milky Tonkotsu.
  • Savory Miso.
Dec 24, 2018

What are the three main types of ramen? ›

The Common Broths/Types of Ramen
  • Tonkotsu ramen. ...
  • Miso Ramen. ...
  • Shoyu Ramen. ...
  • Shio Ramen. ...
  • Tsukemen. ...
  • 2) Wakayama Ramen. ...
  • 5) Abura Soba. ...
  • 6) Asahikawa Ramen.

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